Este centro de mesa foi criado por mim utilizando um painel da Essence by Moda. Foi idealizado quando eu ainda vivia em Portugal (2010) e terminado quando já estava de volta ao Brasil (2011). A parte que considero mais bonita, além do patchwork, é a do bordado em que bordei parte à máquina e outra à mão, porém uma grande parte do bordado das flores foi bordada à mão por minha mãe, uma bordadeira e tanto.
This flower table runner was created by myself with a panel of Essence by Moda. It was idealized when I'm living in Portugal (2010) and finished when I was back to Brazil (2011). The part I find most beautiful beyond the patchwork is the embroidery of flowers that I made some by hand and some by machine but also the great part is many flowers were hand embroidered by my mother, a wonderful embroiderer.
This flower table runner was created by myself with a panel of Essence by Moda. It was idealized when I'm living in Portugal (2010) and finished when I was back to Brazil (2011). The part I find most beautiful beyond the patchwork is the embroidery of flowers that I made some by hand and some by machine but also the great part is many flowers were hand embroidered by my mother, a wonderful embroiderer.