sexta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2015

A little bit of Houston - International Quilt Festival 2015

Acabo de voltar de Houston, USA do International Quilt Festival e estas são algumas fotos dos trabalhos que gostei muito. Realmente o trabalho das Quilters japonesas foi o que mais chamou minha atenção, pela beleza, delicadeza, minúcia e perfeição, perfeitas obras de arte.

I just back from Houston, US International Quilt Festival and these are some pictures of works that I liked very much. The work of Japanese Quilters was what most caught my attention, because their beauty, delicacy, detail and perfection, they are a really a perfect works of art.


terça-feira, 29 de setembro de 2015

Australian Quilt

Este Quilt foi feito com tecidos australianos e brasileiro. Iniciado em 2014, finalizado em 2015 com o auxílio da amiga Josiane e agora sendo quiltado por Carmen Maíquez Lopezde Cerdanyola, Barcelona, Espanha.

This quilt was made with Australian and Brazilian fabrics. Started in 2014, completed in 2015 with the help of Josiane friend and now its being quilted by Carmen Maiquez Lopez of Cerdanyola, Barcelona, Spain.

The quilting was made by Carmen Máiquez Lopez (Barcelona, Spain)

Community Quilt

Community Quilt  - supporting a cause the Libby Lehman Medical fund finished on September 2015